Why Drink Hedges?

Why drink Hedges?

What you can expect when you hold a glass of Hedges wine is a small piece of the region’s story. Hedges wines are not a recipe or formulation of lab analysis and subsequent additions of the latest research driven tannin, color or aroma enhancer. Each year, we start with a new crop of ingredients and strive to bring a true agricultural product into the consumers’ hands. Every drop of wine you take in is still a living organism; dancing around in ways that bring pleasure to your senses. Industrial wines begin with agriculture, but end as more of a cocktail of ingredients, providing a grape-based beverage that will leave you feeling a bit worse for the wear. That being said, the United States allows over 60 additives in wines that do not have to be disclosed, with the exception of sulfur.

Not every location in the world can produce world class grapes. When you break down the premium grape growing regions of the world that produce truly great wines that make you almost wince at how amazing nature can be, the choices become very limited. Right now, there is a glut of industrial cocktail grape-based beverages, due to overplanting of grapes in many subpar areas. If you take the time to really look at what you are drinking - research where the wines are from, who makes the wine, and what these wines do and do not include in their build, you will find the options are not as vast as the wine shelves make them seem.

We were lucky enough to have found one of these premium wine growing regions; Red Mountain sings to the palate like a symphony. With multiple layers of aromas, flavors, and textures, these wines deserve to be made with the lightest of human touch. As stewards of this place, we allow the grapes to speak for themselves, just as the forefathers of winemaking did before technology, additives, and endless hours of research to find that “perfect” wine. Just as in humans, naturally beautiful examples are rare. There are plenty of beautiful examples who have been doctored up, but there is something ugly in this unnatural manipulation of nature’s art. Naturally delicious wines are also few and far between. The manipulated wines are good, and can even garner high scores with their lab driven perfection, but there is something missing. The soul of the land, of the grape itself, is gone.

Why drink Hedges? Because humans, more than ever, need to reconnect to what is real. Do you want wine created in a vineyard or wine created in a laboratory? Hedges wines, which are grapes, indigenous yeast and minimal sulfur, offer a pure, clean expression of the region’s bounty. Farmed biodynamically and organically and brought into your glass with the lightest human touch. Drink clean, feel good, and experience one of nature’s most complex beverages, naturally.

S Unshine on the vine
Moody grapes photo
Lower level vines photo
Red Mountain Vines